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IMMIGRATION ALERT: Certificates for Foreign Citizens in Peru

Today, by Superintendence Resolution No. 000121-2020-MIGRACIONES the use of Certificates in favor of foreign citizens who having carried out various procedures did not obtain the foreign card nor the PTP, due to the compulsory social isolation measure decreed in the framework of the Sanitary Emergency by COVID-19 and other dictated various provisions, has been authorized.

It should be noted that in the context of the Sanitary Emergency, and the mandatory social isolation in force in Peru, which prevents the normal mobility of people, restricting it only for specific cases, many foreign citizens residing in the national territory have been affected, due to the fact that having processed their "Registration in the Central Registry of Immigration (RIM) and Issuance of the Foreign Card", "Duplicate of the Foreign Card" and / or "Issuance and Duplicate of the Card of Temporary Permit to Stay for Venezuelans", they were not able to obtain their respective Foreign Card and/or Temporary Permanence Permit -PTP.

In this sense, it has been arranged to authorize the use of the "Certificate of Issuance of the Foreign Card", "Certificate of Issuance of the Foreign Card for Minors", "Certificate of Issuance of the PTP Card" and "Certificate of Issuance of PTP Card for Minors", in favor of foreign citizens who, having carried out the procedures of "Registration in the Immigration Information Record (RIM) and Issuance of the Foreign Card", "Duplicate of Foreign Card" and/or "Issuance and Duplicate of the Temporary Permit for Permanence Card of Venezuelan citizens", have not been able to obtain their Foreign Cards or the PTP, due to the measure of compulsory social isolation decreed in the framework of the Sanitary Emergency by COVID-19.

The following formats are approved:

  • "Certificate of Issuance of Foreign Card"

  • "Certificate of Issuance of Foreign Card for Minors"

  • "Certificate of Issuance of PTP Card"

  • "Certificate of Issuance of PTP Card for Minors"

Such certificates will have the same validity as the documents described above for the term of the Sanitary Emergency and until the issuance of the respective cards.

Access to the certificates above will be free through the institutional portal

If you require our assistance in the issuance of any of the aforementioned documents, please contact us through:


AOV Abogados

May 2020

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