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MIGRACIONES' Verification and Control Protocols have been issued

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The national Superintendence of MIGRACIONES, through its regulations, has the power to carry out control and verification activities with respect to citizens of foreign nationality, and natural and legal persons domiciled in Peru, in order to corroborate that their obligations and duties are being fulfilled in a correct and reliable way and according to law.

For the reason stated above, it is absolutely necessary for specific protocols to be issued, indicating the requirements, procedures, timeliness, between other relevant provisions regarding the verification and auditing activities.

In that sense, on August 17, 2018, was published in the official newspaper "El Peruano" the approval of "Migraciones' Verification and Control Protocol " and the "Migraciones' Verification and Control in the International Airport of Peru Protocol", coming into force, the aforementioned protocols, since August, 18th of this year.

Although both protocols are intended to establish actions to verify that national and foreign citizens comply with the duties and obligations contained in the current legal regulations; they differ in the responsibility to implement the actions that allow the optimal development of the verification and control activities on the subjects mentioned above, as in the first scenario it falls on the Zonal Chief of MIGRACIONES; While in the second protocol, this responsibility falls on the Head of the Post of Immigration Control of the International Airport Jorge Chávez, or the Deputy Manager of Migratory Movement or the Zone Chief of MIGRACIONES, depending on the territorial competence that applies to each case.

What are the specific provisions that

the Protocols establish?

1. The responsible personnel of MIGRACIONES carries out the activities contained in the respective protocols for the verification and control of the migratory monitoring of national or foreign persons.

2. The responsible personnel will intervene the national or foreign person and request the identification document and/or the travel document, in addition to the Andean Virtual Migration Card, if applicable.

3. The Mobile App of Immigration Control will be used in order to identify the person being intervened.

4. If it is identified that the person has not carried out the migratory control by any of the immigration checkpoints or border checkpoints, the Immigration Control Post will be notified, and the requirement of the documentation that supports that the person is waiting for a connecting flight. If the documents could not certify such situation, the person will be informed that his action has contravened Peruvian Immigration Regulations and is subject to immigration sanctions.

5. The PNP will be notified of the situation, and they will decide the actions to be implemented in every particular situation.


Source: Resolución N° 000261-2018-MIGRACIONES



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